Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Jewellery shop

Hello there everyone!

I apologise in my lack of interesting posts lately but I have been on holiday!! Yay.Unfortunately  I'm back and have no tan due to it being too hot to do anything but I had an extremely relaxing time. 

I vacationed in Icemeler in Turkey.  If any of you have been there you will know about the shops and street markets which I love and can't control myself in' which resulted in this arm full of bracelets... 

I did not intend to get all bracelets-just kind of happened. 

These all came from street markets or little shops. My two favourite pieces are the snake bracelet which uncoils and wraps around your wrist. This cost me about £10. And I know it might not be "in" with fashion at the moment but I don't like fashion and do fashion so that's me. And this is the snake bracelet. 

Awww look at those eyes!!

Next is my cat bracelet which looks like it's jumping around my wrist. Now I specifically remember buying this as it was the first stall in the market and my better half said to me (more moaned) why do you jump right in and buy something there's loads of other stalls. But it turns out it was the only stall with this. I doubt it's real it looks like rose gold  with little sparky gems to make up little fellas body.. 

I can't wait to get these on!

Now I know this is probably another pointless post but I hope you enjoyed. 

Ps sorry for the shoddy pics xx
